I have made the decision to temporarily pause bookings for spirit channeling. I am still offering the rest of my services but for the sake of transparency, I offer you this blog post as a way to understand why I have come to this decision. I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with channeling energies directly. Once I learned how to reopen my abilities, I had to first work on boundaries so that energies weren’t up in my house trying to get my attention all day and night. Then, it was working on all of the mental boundaries and with enough practice and support, I built up enough confidence and stepped completely outside of my comfort zone and tried spirit channeling with a stranger. Much to my surprise, it was so successful that eventually I decided to start my own business. Yet, despite the years of truly incredible, 100% authentic readings and experiences that have legit turned skeptics into believers, I still struggle with crazy imposter syndrome. The human brain is a trip, y’all.
Here is the best way I can describe why I am taking a break from spirit channeling: When someone books a Reiki session, I am pumped. I cannot wait for the appointment and I’m excited to find out how Reiki and any messages I receive might be able to help people. When someone books spirit channeling, I instantly feel a pit in my stomach. It’s anxiety and it’s heavy and the longer it sits, the more I start to second guess myself. I have to make a conscious effort to stay positive while separating myself from the appointment, all the way up until I am sitting across from my client. Unfortunately, in this line of work there is no room for doubt; the stronger your faith, the stronger the connection. Even though I fully understand this, I get caught up in my own fears and it’s been getting harder to not bring that energy into the reading. Once I start the reading and finally get over myself and into the flow, everything works out fine and it’s usually very successful. But my goodness, what a lot of unnecessary stress to get there every single time.
I have been doing a lot of inner work specifically trying to heal my heart after experiencing my mom’s traumatic transition to spirit earlier this year. One of the messages that has come through the most is that I need to fully lean into the things in life that bring me nothing but pure joy. After all this time, there’s still a lot of fear in me when it comes to doing readings. Will I make a good connection? Will the messages come through clear? Will the client think I’m good enough? Am I even good enough?
With Reiki, I have absolutely zero doubts. It flows through me so effortlessly and it offers a safe place for healing and for me to receive psychic messages about the chakras, the body, and sometimes from spiritual guides and loved ones on the other side. This journey has taught me that we don’t have to have a traditional “psychic reading” while sitting at a table for the messages that need to be heard to come through. Reiki offers us a source of channeled unconditional love so that we can feel empowered to heal ourselves. What better time to receive those messages than when we are ready to make the conscious effort to heal?
At the beginning of my Reiki learning, it was suggested that I keep my psychic abilities separate from the Reiki sessions, but my heart told me that people would benefit more if I learned to work with both. Two and a half years later, I’ve developed an understanding of the symbols, images, and messages that come through and I know I can deliver them in a positive way that will set my clients up for success. Not only do they get the benefits of Reiki, but the messages that come through can help them work towards healing or offer clarity and a better understanding of themselves. That’s a win win in my book.
This is the work that I want to do for people and it’s what brings me the most joy. I truly feel that the more I lean into that joy, the more new opportunities will open up for me. I still have to remind myself of this when my negative thoughts try to tell me that growth comes from pushing past my comfort zone and that I’m a quitter. Though the former can be true, I also believe there is a lot of growth in letting go of what no longer serves us. It’s the discernment of knowing when to push on through and when to realize that it’s ok to let go that is so difficult.
Yet, here I am making the choice to release a source of anxiety and refocus that energy into learning and developing new techniques that I can use alongside Reiki. The last few months I have felt myself drawn to learning more about chakra frequencies and then at an All Love/Sekhem Reiki experience last weekend, I received validation that yes, I should buy the chakra tuning fork kit and guidebook that's been sitting in my Amazon cart. Well, everything arrived today and I'm excited to learn more about frequencies and be able to successfully incorporate tuning forks into my practice. I’m also working on adding Past Life Reiki sessions, which can be very insightful and deeply healing. There will be more updates on that, plus I have a lot of writing projects that I feel inspired to finish and some that are already completed that I am eager to share with you all very soon. I think it’s about time I get back to writing more and using it as the authentic expression of myself rather than using my voice to help spirits speak their truths. Like my favorite little mermaid, I’m ready to take my voice back.
I plan on teaching more Reiki and Animal Reiki workshops, psychic development classes, and continuing with my other services such as oracle readings and meditative journeys because all of those things still bring me joy. If you aren’t familiar with what those services entail then I encourage you to check out my services page for more info. Sometimes our loved ones or guides can come through during those, and though it’s very cool when it does, it's not the main intention for the session and that’s a huge difference as far as energy is concerned.
So until further notice, I hope you understand why I will not be opening myself up for spirit channeling. Maybe someday I'll feel ready to offer that kind of reading again but for now I will choose joy and I hope maybe by writing this I’ll inspire you to do the same. If you’ve read through to the end, just know that I appreciate you immensely and I am so grateful for all of your support.
