The next day was Saturday and my best friend came over with her family. We had a personal and unexplainable experience together where she was able to feel and then understand a lot of the things I had been trying to put into words for her. I would defintely say it was a life changing event for both of us. She told me that she kept hearing the words "It's you" in her head and she knew instantly what it meant. "The house isn't haunted," she said matter of factly. "It's you. It's you. It's you."
On Sunday night, Nora fell asleep next to Jeff and I on the couch. I got up to move her into her bed but quickly remembered we didn’t have any Pull-Ups left to put her in for the night. She has been doing better about accidents but I decided to take some precaution and get a towel from the linen closet. As I started walking towards the hallway, I stopped by the stairs and said to Jeff, “I’m going to put a towel down on her bed if you want to carry her in there for me.”
“Yeah, I’ll do it," he responded but not before I heard a very different voice speak. It was deep and raspy and it quickly said, “Go for it.”
I stood there for a second trying to process that I had definitely heard something else speak before I brought it up to Jeff. “Did you say something else?" I asked. "Before you said, ‘Yeah I’ll do it,’ did you say something else first?" I hadn't moved from my spot by the stairs and he was on the couch facing the tv. I felt like my body was frozen as I waited for his response.
“No. I didn’t say anything else," he said.
Suddenly I felt an overwhelming feeling rise up from my stomach and into my chest and throat. It made it hard to breathe. I quickly walked back into the living room and stood between Jeff and the tv and said,“Babe, I heard someone else talking. It was a really low voice and I heard it right before you spoke.”
He didn’t say anything for a minute, like he also needed time to process what happened. My whole body was shaking so I sat back down on the couch next to him. “You know what’s crazy..." he said calmly,"is that as soon as you asked me if I had said something else, I knew immediately why you asked me. Because I heard something too. I thought maybe it was you but it sounded like it came from the space between us.”
“Did it sound like a man's voice?” I asked.
“Did you hear it say ‘go for it’?”
At this point, the words on his face were speaking loud and clear. “Yeah that’s what it sounded like to me," he finally replied. "Can you look if there is anything over there that could have been making a noise?”
I got up and peeked toward the hall again and didn’t see anything on the floor. Just a pair of snow pants on the ground behind the couch but surprisingly no toys were anywhere near where I had been standing.
“There is nothing over there that would make a voice say words like that.” I firmly stated.
After a few minutes of stunned silence, I asked if he could put on something funny to watch. We stayed up for another hour or so to try and shake the experience enough to feel tired again.